Friday, October 21, 2011

[Free]Was I cheated?

It is so hard to be a nice person.

Today, after school, I walked on Park Street and about to wait for my aunt to pick me up, an anxious woman walk to me and ask me for help. She said she lived in Sacramento and she needed enough gas fees to back home. I was about to say no because there are many swindlers in today’s society. But her tears dropped down and kept murmuring something like “I told him not to drink but he won’t listen.” My heart melted with pity, I could not see a person cry. I would promise most of the things a crying person asks, seriously. So, I gave her five bucks. She thanked me and left. Then she asked someone else but that person just walked away.

I was sort of regret after I gave her that five bucks. I am broke, that was the only cash in my wallet. I wished I had three one dollar bills but I did not. And I started to worry that I was cheated. I told this story to my aunt as soon as I got in her car; she said I must be deceived. Asking for gas fee is a common trick of swindlers. One of my friends told me a similar situation she was in. A guy asked her for money to pay his gas in order to drive back to Los Angels. She also gave him five dollars. She thought she has done a right thing until she saw the same guy asked people again several days later.  

No evidence showed that the woman in my case was lying, but there are some weird feelings keep bothering me. I do not really know what I should do next time. What if it is real? Imaging ourselves in a completely strange place and with no money, an empty gasoline car, and no one wills to help us. Wouldn’t the world we lived in become a cruel world? I should blame this on those swindlers, they made people get confused and become cold-hearted.

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