Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Free] I need a break.

It’s the seventh week of school. My tiredness almost takes over all of my other feelings. I lost all the motivation of go to school and do my homework.

During government class, my soul flies away when Mr.Ramirze and other classmates are sharing about interesting news happened recently.  The words they say go through my ears and then left right away, I only remember some meaningless pieces.  Sometimes I would even lay on my desk and sleep. It doesn’t mean that Mr.Ramirze does not know how to teach, it is just because I am not very interested in government and it is the first class in the morning (although Mr.Ramirez has a monotone voice that can not wake me up). I spent most of my time on keep myself from falling into asleep. The reason I did not fall in asleep in my other classes is because teacher gave me works to do. That keeps me awake.

After school, I do not want to do my homework at all. The first thing I do when I back to my house is sleep. Dinner and Facebook comes next, but it will never be homework. At 12 o’clock I feel sleepy again. (I feel like it is because I did not get enough sleep from last life, so I feel sleepy every minute this life.) Okay, but I still need to work on my homework. The process is slow and full of yawning. It’s already 2 o’clock when I finally get to go to bed. (Sometimes I would choose sleep rather than finish up my homework, just like I did yesterday.) It’s like a cycle that gets worse everyday. My Tiredness just keeps gaining day by day.  I feel that I really need a break now.

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