Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE]France bans all public prayer

This week's current event video:

As the French government bans the public prayers of Muslim worshipers, the culture and religious differences in that nation only seem to intensify. A series of dissents begin to emerge in Northern France now that the Muslim worshipers have to move from the outside streets to the temporary buildings provided by the government to pray. This issue is gaining more attention as it concerns the identity of the French nation. Some worshipers felt that it would be better to have a new place to pray instead of staring by other people outside; in the mean time, some others decided to fight against the new and pray at the outside as usual. 

In my opinion, the government should not ban the public prayers. Everyone has the freedom to assemble and express. These are the unalienable rights every human being deserves on this world. Islam is a religion that has a long history; government should respect its practices. However, I can understand the intentions of those who have created this law since they (the French governors) also want their descendants to carry on their own French traditions. They do not want their schools’ education or social phenomenon to become similar to those of the Muslims. The French people are merely trying to avoid a “take over” by foreign culture practices. If the government thinks the prayers would create distraction to the public, they could form a compromise: Muslim worshipers can assemble outside as long as they would not affect other people’s life.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, check out my response
