Friday, September 30, 2011

[Free]Computer science every where!

There is every sign to show that Computer Science is brainwashing everybody.

During the English class on Wednesday, we worked in Computer Lab as usual. Nathan and Katherine switched computers for some reason. Katherine did not log out her blogger, therefore Nathan get to post what ever he wanted with Katherine’s account. Being a guy who is totally crazy about tennis, the first post Nathan posted is simply a sentence “Katherine loves tennis.” Maybe Nathan thought this sentence did not make Katherine look stupid enough, later on, he posted another post on her blogger. This time, he copied the code form a java project he just did during last period (which is computer science). People who have never token the class may consider Katherine as retarded. Nathan showed it to me proudly, with a triumphant smile, just like a kid who just won candies from parents. As a person representing justice and honesty, I praised (…) Nathan and left a comment as soon as I got my own computer. Unfortunately, I am another victim who was brain washed by computer science, I reply by using the exact format of programming:

Public class lol
   Public static void main (String[] args)
       System.out.println(“Wow Nathan good job!”);

I don’t know when Katherine found out what we have done, but the post was removed when I checked it this afternoon. It was kind of sad, but there is no reason for Katherine to keep it, haha. I have to admit that Nathan and I are childish, but it is fun isn’t it?

1 comment:

  1. you can teach me how to do those stuff la :)

    that's fun to know !!
