Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[Free]A New Beginning

My summer passed by so fast. I couldn’t get a chance to fully enjoy it, and then the senior year came and kidnapped me. It would be the most intense and busy year because all those college application and senior profile stuffs. Although I wasn’t really looking for it, I came to school with an excited heart. I was excited to see my friends and new teachers. Teachers that I got are all very nice. Joo, Sutherland and Friedman were intelligent and full of humor; time sneaked away very fast in their classes. Therefore the classes they taught were my favorite ones. AP Computer Science was about java programming, pretty cool and interesting. It was fun to watch Mr. Joo keep telling us nervously to keep our hand from the keyboards. Since some students erased all the programs from school computers before, he didn’t want to be the one in charge to fix all those problems. “Don’t be evils, don’t be evils, you bastards!” That’s what he said. Mr. Sutherland seemed like he was full of energy all the time. He always had some cute/funny actions that made the whole class laugh. It was helpful that he started the personal statement, or I would not start it until the very end. Mr. Friedman did not teach Calculus BC for a very long time, but he was an experienced teacher. The path in his class was fast; we got FRQs in the second day of school. I love calculus, even though it was sad when I noticed all the knowledge I learned from Calculus AB last year was buried in oblivion.   

First week of school was always novel, but it was also tiring. I was already sad at the third day of school, since it felt like the 300th day. The three-day weekend did help a little bit; at least I did not feel exhausted today. I am actually looking forward to the block schedule, so that I can leave right after 12:42p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday. That’s the kind of life a senior should have.


  1. I'm glad you've got some good classes that you are enjoying so far this year. I agree--the adjustment from summer back into school life has been very sudden and somewhat difficult for me too. But we're here now and I hope we're going to have a great year. :)

  2. Hi ANGELA!!! Even though you already know this, I just wanted to say that YOU were my FIRST response post! Don't you feel honored?? XDD
