Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE]I Got the Feeling.

As the tenth anniversary of 9.11 is approaching, the news went all over the place, and it reminds many Americans of their memories and terrors. Countless things have been forgotten through ten years, but the world still remembers 9.11: like someone engraves it in everyone’s mind.
      Mr. Sutherland started a discussion about 9.11 on Thursday. When everyone was talking about their feelings about 9.11, I was just sitting right there calmly. Not that I am a cold-hearted person, just because I did not know much about it. When I was checking out new posts on reader, I found someone who had similar situation as me. Thanks Sutherland for highlighting it out.

Actually, I really DID NOT know about [9/11] until a couple years ago. I am kinda ashamed of myself? (not really). [...] The truth is, I didn't come to the US until mid 2006 so it wasn't my fault for not knowing about it! […]The discussion we had today in class made me feel like I should know more...

     I had the exact feeling as Ken. Although I know a little bit better than him. As a seven years old Chinese girl back then, I watched the video that was showed on news like an outsider (I did not come to the US until late in 2008.) All I know was that there were some terrorists drove two airplanes and crashed them into the two tallest building in New York, America. I know many students who born in the United States had a strong feeling, even though they were only six or seven at that time. Kelsey’s story did touch me; I understand how she worried about her mom. I wish her mother will be all right. I also heard that there was a girl cried during fourth period.

    I think I should read more and know more about 9.11. Well. Here I am on the land of the United States, I should follow the news about this country and feel the same as her people, right?

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way, too. We were so young when it happened, more people than you think probably know very little about it. I'd never seen footage of the disaster until Friday of last week, in my history class. It was almost like hearing about it for the first time.
