Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[College Essay]Very First Draft

Warning: it is a very shitty essay. I just put down what's on my mind and do not revise it D:

Animals are friends of people. I have always wanted to be a veterinarian and be able to help animals; not only because I have had many pets before, but also because some movies and videos I have seen that leave me a strong feeling.

I love animals; that’s why I always own pets. I used to have rabbits, goldfish, turtle, duck, chicken and budgerigars. It’s like I own a whole “army.” I have a dog right now; she is a shih tzu. She’s already part of our family. Sometimes she will throw up. There is not thing I can do other than just watch her and pet her try to reduce her illness. I feel so bad and helpless. If I am a veterinarian then I would be able to provide some help.

I am not a very soft-hearted person. Many of my friends cried during the elementary school graduation: I did not. I felt sad, though. When my mom and I were watching a Korean drama, she cried almost every single episode. I did not. However, there was one movie that made me burst in tears and almost can’t breathe. It is a Japanese movie called Quill. Quill is a Labrador puppy. After its birth, Quill is sent to live with a couple that volunteer for the guide dog training center. Quill learns how to live with people and grow through a happy period of time. As soon as Quill grows as an adult dog, it needs go to the guide dog school and learn how to become a guide dog. Although Quill is a little slower than the other dogs at school, it has remarkable patience which is an important quality for a guide dog. Quill’s trainer thinks Quill would be the ideal one for Mr.Watanabe. Mr.Watanabe is a stubborn and ill-temper man who has never own a guide dog before. At first, he does not like to walk with Quill since he does not really believe in guide dog. As the time pass by, Mr. Watanabe depends on Quill and treat it as his own family. Quill serve Mr.Watanabe wholeheartedly until he die from kidney failure. Quill is sent back to the couple it lived with before. Quill sometimes demonstrates in schools to show others the job of a guide dog; it becomes a part-time guide dog. The saddest part in the movie would be when Quill is getting older and older, sickness has fastened upon it. It lost the strength to walk and lies on the ground. There is one night that the breath of it turns very shapely. The couple stays with Quill for the whole night. As Quill’s lungs being press, they need to roll Quill over. Quill is indeed having a hard time, its chest is moving pretty fast, and it breathes very hardly every time. The couple knows that Quill is about to its end; they speak to him very softly, “Quill, you’ve done a very great job. You can leave peacefully now. Bye, Quill.” At the twenty-fifth day passed its birthday, Quill left the world. While watching Quill suffered in its last moment, I can not control myself. Tears just run out of my eyes. I really wish I am a veterinarian that can release its pain or even heal it. My mom said she has never seen me cried that hard before. Animals always can easily touch me.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said to me earlier when you described this draft...It sounds like it's too much about the movie you loved so much. :)

    I think I'd like to hear more stories about life at home with your army of pets. I bet there are lots of memories you have and stories you can tell that will show us more about who YOU are and how your heart goes out to our animal buddies.
