Friday, September 23, 2011

[Free] PIANO.

By viewing random videos on YouTube, I found out many people made videos on anime music covers. That totally made me wants to play piano again! I have been playing the piano for eight years, but stopped four years ago. After moved to the United States I couldn’t find a chance to buy myself a piano. All I had was a keyboard with only 28 keys: I can’t even play a whole song. That was so depressing.

When I saw those people who plays perfectly in the video, god knows how much I want a piano and how much I want to play that well. However, after the four years break, my skills fell way behind. Lack of practice makes a piano player sucks. It may take me a while to pick them up. However, I couldn’t practice even though I really want to. Piano is expensive here, especially for an immigrant family. Therefore I only get to play on my child kind keyboard.

Piano interested me ever since I was a child. How the simple pressing of a key could make sound; how the combination of keys could create music; how music could be the ultimate form of expression. I used to lose my interest on piano because the day-after-day practices frustrated me. When I start watching anime at 6th grade, I Google sheet music for the songs I like and that once again excited me. I began to play music that I knew, music that I enjoyed, and music that wasn’t bound by practicing time or judges in competitions. This is the magic of piano.

I watched almost 30 videos this evening, and I couldn’t stop form thinking of playing them.


  1. teehee sorry angela i couldn't resist using your posts for my response post again.

    it's not that good though

  2. I hope you can find time to pursue this. I also haven't played piano regularly in many years...but whenever I see a piano I try to sit down and play a bit. It feels so good to work your hands over the keys!

    Maybe there is a piano at school you can practice on sometimes? You are right...some of your skills will have hidden themselves after all this time. But you can get it back!
